I highly recommend this fabulous book, The Language of Letting Go
Every morning with my cup of coffee I sit down and read the affirmation for the day. I also have other sources and books that I read, which I will let you know about at a later date.
This book was recommended to me by my wonderful counselor when I was going through a difficult divorce (to say the least). She was my Angel - a life saver, and put me on the road of self-discovery and self-esteem.
I also try to write affirmations that I have made up for myself ... this reinforces positive thinking and energies and gets me through the day. Now, if only I can make myself meditate I would really be zooming ahead with those good vibes. I really want to help our world, and getting my thoughts aligned with the Divine Source (LOVE) is the only thing I can do at the moment.
Wishing you all Health, Happiness, Abundance, Peace and Compassion !