My daughter so loved to watch Mr. Rogers when she was such a little girl ... all the little ones loved him. He was such a gentle soul and the kids could see and feel that. Everyone should strive to be like Mr. Rogers ... what a beautiful world we all would have. Don't stop trying ... don't give up even though things may seem very dark ... that's what I try to do everyday and it really helps to think those positive and good thoughts and send those negative ones out the window. Let's all try to be a hero ... be kind, compassionate, gentle and have a generous spirit ... I know that we all can if we just try.
I try to remember that we are all are connected ... we are all family ... not only humankind but I mean everything ... we are all One and you are all beautiful to me.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood .... it really is.
Love always, and Peace to all.
It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood ;o) Such a special post! Many blessings my friend ;o)
OH! Yay! I loved Mr. Rogers! I used to watch it with my youngest sister.
One of the rock and roll songs during that era was 'Come on People Now, Smile On Your Brother, Everybody get together try and love one another right now.' (You can still hear it on You Tube).
This sure brings back the memories!
Teresa in California
What a treasured memory it is, watching Mr. Rogers every morning with my then-two-year-old. She'll be 26 this year, and lives all the way at the opposite end of California from us. She and I were both enriched by Mr. Rogers' gentle spirit. It can be so challenging to retain optimism and goodwill when barraged with aggression, demands and unkindness. But if we don't...THEY win. And we cannot let them.
...a gently beautiful uplifting post! ~ may thee journey well in the sunshine my kindred! ~ blessed be!...(o:
Oh my goodness, I just can't believe how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends ... you all are so precious to me and you give me hope ... yes there are people out there who are kind and compassionate and care about all of humankind and our Mother Earth. Thanks so much. I don't always comment lately, but I always try to read.
Love and Happiness,
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