Greetings and good tiding to all. Below is a enchanting poem that Mistress Meg from the Kirk's Folly Forum composed and was gracious enough to let me post it here on my blog. Isn't it just magical? Also, just below the poem is the site address if you want to check the poem out there.
Where Art Thou? Folly fairies lost in space I do not even know the place. They seek them here, they seek them there They seek those fairies everywhere. I’ve looked in clouds, I’ve look in trees, I’ve lost them all in twos and threes. Where art thou gone, you hear me say I look for them by night and day Boo hoo hoo, I’m in a whirl I cannot find a single girl. If you’re hiding, please come out I need to see you fly about I know you’re there, a fact is that So come on out and have a chat. Glittery wishes.
http://kirksfollyforums.com/messageboard_detail.html?msg_id=3519633196100381&msg_rank=0&view_post=all&cart=3519752781115722&discussion_timeframe=7&discussion_group=Kirks%20Folly%20Open%20Discussion I have included one of my fairy altered art pieces which you can check out at my Etsy Shop. Love and List and Pass On The Good Intentions To All You Meet .... you never can tell, it just might make the world a better place.
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