I Am The Autumnal Sun
~ by Henry David Thoreau
Sometimes a mortal feels in himself Nature
-- not his Father but his Mother stirs
within him, and he becomes immortal with Her
immortality. From time to time She claims
kindredship with us, and some globule
from Her veins steals up into our own.
I am the autumnal sun,
With autumn gales my race is run;
When will the hazel put forth its flowers,
Or the grape ripen under my bowers?
When will the harvest or the hunter's moon
Turn my midnight into mid-noon?
I am all sere and yellow,
And to my core mellow.
The mast is dropping within my woods,
The winter is lurking within my moods,
And the rustling of the withered leaf
Is the constant music of my grief....
~ by Henry David Thoreau
Sometimes a mortal feels in himself Nature
-- not his Father but his Mother stirs
within him, and he becomes immortal with Her
immortality. From time to time She claims
kindredship with us, and some globule
from Her veins steals up into our own.
I am the autumnal sun,
With autumn gales my race is run;
When will the hazel put forth its flowers,
Or the grape ripen under my bowers?
When will the harvest or the hunter's moon
Turn my midnight into mid-noon?
I am all sere and yellow,
And to my core mellow.
The mast is dropping within my woods,
The winter is lurking within my moods,
And the rustling of the withered leaf
Is the constant music of my grief....

May Your Autumn Days Be Filled With Color And Peace
Foster Kindness In All You Meet
Lovely ode to the seasons of life and beautiful Autumn.
...gentle blessings to thee dear kindred sister!... ...xXx... ...big hugs to thee!... ...(thankyoU always ~ for your kind words)...
Goodness, that is beautiful! The first image of the Autumn fairy is lovely! Happiness and Peace to you as well!
Such beautiful words and such beautiful images! Happy Autumn to you my friend ;o) Many blessings ;o)
That's a beautiful poem by Thoreau, but I like what you wrote above it the best...
Blessings, Victoria
Thank you all my lovelies ... I just can't tell you how much it means to me that I have such wonderful friends.
Love always,
This is a beautiful post. Lovely harmony of pictures and words.
these images are so amazing. I also love autumn, it feels like renewing, renovation season.
sometimes it can be very frustrating to try so hard with zero results and still find the courage to keep going. you are brave and courageous but also right that doing the same thing and expect different results is insane. Sometimes we need to step back, reassess our plan and do it again. but do not ever give up.
Beautiful images to complement the beautiful words, thanks
I love the foliage, the faery, and autumnal trees too! Thank you for sharing!
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