Greetings all. I thought I would post about the Altered Art Halloween Fairies that I made for our home last year. This is just a sampling of what I created. For me, my altered art, assemblage, collage art takes tons of time but this is my favorite art so it's worth it. I spent a lot of time on these little darlings and they sure make our home look magically Halloweenee ! I hope you enjoy looking.
Peace, Happiness and Abundance to ALL !
Very lovely! They are just too cute!
Adorable!!! I may just turn in to an absolute "fairy fan" yet!! ;)
Thanks for sharing!
Brightest Blessings,
Thanks Witchy and Lady Morganna,
I don't know why, but I just love fairies...they must be around me all the time. But, I also love Angels and Mermaids and have created a few of those. I'm thinking that someday I'll create a mermaid with fairy wings....sounds too cute huh.
Love and Light
Oh, thank you. I feel the very same about you ... since I don't believe in coincidences, I was meant to find you and your fabulous blog. Do I have to do anything??? I'm not too good about all the tech stuff and you may have noticed.
Peace and Light,
These are all so special and beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing them! I love them all! Mermaid with fairy wings, sounds lovely ;o)
LOL! I know what you mean, my sister! All you need to do is post 15 blogs you feel are deserving of passing this award onto (adding their blog addresses), link the person whom you received it from (me)which you can copy and paste off of my blog, and list 7 things about yourself on a post on your blog.
Easy, right? And, BTW, I don't believe in coincidences either, my friend!
Hugs to you,
Oh how fantastic that you are getting that award! Both of you. You are so worthy of it. I completely enjoy seeing what's new whenever I go on here. Brightest blessings!
So cute!! What a fun project - I can see how it would have taken alot of time though! Something I may have to try with my nieces...
I know this is completely off the posting this comment is under but I didn't know where else to put this comment. Anyway Artsings I love love love your background. Did you get it from Cutest Blog on the Block? I should mention that I have an affinity for dragonflies. I really love them and they seem to love me as well! Love and light as always. -Witchy
Thanks to you all for your wonderful comments...I do love and appreciate each and every one of them.
Also, Witchy, thanks for your comment about my background ... I have been looking for months for just the right one that speaks to me and represents my blog (which started out being an art blog so I can jump-start selling my art since there are no jobs here, none, but that's another story).
Just click on the dragonfly button and your will be taken to the fabulous background blog where I got this background and the buttons.
I just love, love, love all of her backgrounds. She is an artist after my own heart.
Love and Light, Happiness and Abundance to ALL!
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